Harvest Pack

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Harvest Pack addresses food insecurity by supporting volunteers in bringing meal-packing events to their local communities. Volunteers will be preparing roughly 30,000 oatmeal packs that will be donated to local organizations.


  • 10am-12:00pm (Set Up)
  • 1-3pm (Packing Meals)
  • 3-4pm (Cleanup)

Event Expectations
Volunteers will be packing meals (directions provided). Some volunteers will be asked to help unload/carry ingredients (able to lift/carry 50 lb boxes/bags) for set up & tear down.

Food and Beverage
Water will be available.

All participants should wear their #SMSCgives red T-shirt and comfortable shoes.

Red #SMSCgives shirts can be picked up at three locations:

  1. T-shirts will be available at all SMSCGives events. (Sizes limited)
  2. Community Center: Email smscgives@shakopeedakota.org to schedule a pickup.
  3. Team Member Entrance Security Desk: Make sure you state you are picking up a RED SMSCGIVES
    SHIRT. Contact security dispatch at 952.496.7222 if any issues arise. Please note that shirts have been
    moved around during construction and are now stored in a locker that Security must access.

Submitting Outreach Hours

  1. Once you have registered for an event on the SMSCgives page, go to the UKG app/website.
  2. Go into Workforce Management, and click on “Time-Off Request” as you would for PTO.
  3. Select your event date and shift time. Then, in the “deduct from” menu, select “Outreach”.
  4. Verify hours submitted and wait for approval from your manager.
  5. Failure to submit a request in UKG will result in un-paid participation hours.

You’ve signed up for an event. Now What?

  1. Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email. Make note of the email you registered with. All communications will be sent to that email only.
  2. Make note of the event’s time, location, and the shift you signed up for.
  3. Prior to the event, you will receive a reminder notification. If you are no longer able to attend the event, please cancel your sign up or contact the event captain.
  4. At the event location, find the #SMSCgives check-in table and be sure to check in with the event captains. You’ll receive instructions from them once the event begins.
  5. Please note that not all event locations have a time clock available. Please work with your reporting manager to ensure outreach hours are logged.

For questions, contact the Event Captains


Available Spaces: 44/120



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Registration Information

Please enter your team's info.

Booking Summary

x Packing
Total Price